Arkiv för maj, 2014

28 maj – U.S. Training of Mercenaries in Qatar Known Since 2011

A PBS documentary “reveals” that the U.S. trains Takfiri militants in Qatar. The PBS documentary confirms what independent media reported since the televised “liberation of Tripoli” staged on a Hollywood-set like “Green Square” in Doha, Qatar. – Turkey Exported Key Chemical Weapons Components to Terrorists in Syria

Figures from Turkey’s statistical institute reveal that Turkey delivered large amounts of a key ingredient of the deadly Sarin nerve gas to terrorists in Syria prior to the chemical weapons attack in the Eastern Ghouta district of Damascus on August 21, 2013. Turkey also exported large quantities of chemicals used for the production of mustard gas to terrorists in Syria.

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27 maj

Intervju med en av presidentkandidaterna i valet om ca en vecka.
Face to Face – Syria presidential candidate al-Nouri upbeat about election (P.1)del 2 – Obama plots deployment of U.S. military advisers to Syria

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26 maj

Ray McGovern – Washington Post Neocons Seek US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria

Press TV – Al-Nusra Front claims car bombings in Syria’s Homs

The al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front has claimed responsibility for two deadly car bombings in residential areas of the Syrian city of Homs.

Thierry Meyssan – Laurent Fabius and Justice

Laurent Fabius’ proposal to the International Criminal Court for crimes committed in Syria was rejected by the UN. Indeed, hidden behind the appearance of justice, the ICC is a tool of Western imperialism. Its procedure is grotesque, it does not hesitate to invent imaginary crimes to convict defendants and it participates in NATO propaganda operations. Yes, we want justice, and it must begin by judging Mr Fabius for his crimes in Syria.

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24 maj – China – Russia Veto Referral of Syria to the ICC

China and Russia vetoed a draft Security Council resolution on the referral of Syria to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The French – Lithuanian drafted resolution was proposed less than two weeks before the upcoming presidential elections in Syria.

The French Lithuanian drafted attempt to refer Syria to the ICC comes despite the fact that an overwhelming body of evidence proves, that the subversion of Syria has been planned and implemented since 2007, with Qatar, the UK, USA, Turkey and Israel being the primary initiator and sponsors of the armed insurgents.
It is noteworthy that the call to refer Syria to the ICC came less than two weeks before presidential elections in Syria, scheduled for June 3. Israel denies Syrians in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights to cast their votes in the elections.

UN Security Council: French Government Accused of Crimes against the Syrian People

del 2 – – UN Security Council: Syria Accuses Israel, US, UK, France of Supporting Terrorist Organizations

Tim Anderson – Syrian Elections: Democratic Reform Undermines US-NATO Agenda – Syria: Free and Fair Elections Despite Western Sabotage, People of Syria Take Back the Stolen Arab Spring in Presidential Elections

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17 maj

Tony Cartalucci – Syria: Light at the End of the Tunnel

For a nation like Syria, the West’s well-earned distrust across the remainder of the globe will translate into an extra layer of protection during the closing stages of its current battle, and against future attempts to subvert and destroy its sovereignty and existing political order. The light is at the end of the tunnel for Syria, but to ensure it, and other nations emerge out the other end, they must take to heart the lessons learned from the US-engineered ”Arab Spring” and begin laying the foundation of a multipolar world capable of not only resisting unipolar ambitions, but stopping them entirely before they lay waste to yet another nation.

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12 maj

Thierry Meyssan – The Liberation of Homs, Beginning of the End of the Aggression Against Syria

The liberation of Homs, the third largest city of the Syrian Arab Republic, is not just an event among others in the war waged by NATO and the GCC on Syria. For Thierry Meyssan, the agreement reached between the Republic and its attackers suggests a quick exit from the war. It will probably be accompanied by a redistribution of regional roles.

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11 maj

I en ny intervju med Åke Sellström, han som ledde FN’s inspektörer för kemiska vapen, gör han ungefär så starka uttalanden han kan i sin position om att den officiella versionen av vad som hände i utkanten av Damaskus den 20:e augusti förra året, har lite att göra med verkligheten! – U.N. Probe Chief Doubtful on Syria Sarin Exposure Claims – hela intervjun som pdf –

Sellstrom has suggested that many people who claimed to have been seriously affected by Sarin merely imagined that they had suffered significant exposure to the chemical.

Press TV – US delivering antitank missiles to militants in Syria: Report

The United States is providing antitank missiles to foreign-backed militants in Syria as the government of President Bashar al-Assad is set to beat the three-year-old deadly insurgency, a report says.
The BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) missiles are surfacing in Syria as part of a ”pilot program” to boost the morale of the downhearted militants, The Times Herald reported on Friday, citing a US official who spoke on condition of anonymity. – ‘Pilot program’ revealed: Washington sends missiles to Syrian rebels

Ismail Salami – Has America Lost its Proxy War on Syria? What Now?

Thanks to the indefatigable efforts of Iran and Russia, Syria is gradually recuperating a callous crisis wrought by Washington and its regional Arab puppets.
According to an agreement brokered by the UN, Russia and Iran, foreign-backed militants left the Syrian city of Homs on Thursday and the city is now fully under the full control of government forces.
“Old Homs is totally clean of armed terrorist groups,” a banner on Syrian TV read.
“What has been achieved was a result of efforts that lasted for months starting through evacuating hundreds of civilians from the Old City and settling the cases of nearly 820 gunmen who have given up and handed over their weapons to authorities,” said the provincial governor, Talal al-Barazi.
A country hitherto reduced to desperation and dereliction, Syria has sustained wounds which will take years to heal. Barely is there now any hope whatsoever for removing President Bashar al-Assad from power and installing a US-friendly regime instead in the country.
That is a fact we can’t deny and nor can Washington. – Arab League cancels indefinitely emergency meeting on Syria

The Arab League has canceled sine die the emergency meeting of foreign ministers which it had convened for 12 May 2014 to examine the situation in Syria.
The meeting was scheduled at the request of Saudi Arabia who has withdrawn it following the recent liberation of Homs. French, Saudi and U.S. officers trained and supervised the jihadists who blockaded the old city for more than two years.

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4 maj – Syria: car bomb death toll rises to 23 – activist

Syrian activists say that the death toll from two car bombs that struck two small villages in the central province of Hama has risen to 23 people, including 14 children.

Press TV – 60,000 flee Takfiri infighting in east Syria

A fresh wave of deadly infighting between rival Takfiri groups has reportedly forced tens of thousands of Syrians to flee their towns in Syria’s eastern province of Deir ez-Zor. – Bildts demokratibistånd blev terrorstöd, Proletären granskar Sveriges inblandning i Syrien

Den 4 mars 2014 fick Proletären ett mail från Utrikesdepartementet om Sveriges bistånd till Syrien. Det var ett svar på en begäran gjord åtta månader tidigare om att få ut alla handlingar rörande Sveriges bistånd till Syriska nationella rådet (SNC) och andra syriska organisationer som verkar i Syrien eller i exil.
I svaret från UD bifogades en bilaga på 53 sidor. Innehållet är delvis hemligstämplat. I vissa fall saknas enstaka ord, i andra är hela stycken är borttagna. Ett antal sidor är blanka.

Detta till trots är de handlingar vi fått ut avslöjande.
De tydliggör Sveriges inblandning i och skuld till den syriska tragedin. De visar hur Sverige sitter på möten med några av världens värsta diktaturstater och diskuterar hur man ska ge de syriska exilledarna det folkliga stöd de saknar. Exilledare som ropar efter vapen och står sida vid sida med al-Qaida.

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