21 sep

Lite försök att reda ut vad som hände med hjälpkonvojen för ett par dagar sen. Men för de flesta är det redan för sent, de har registrerat rubrikerna från igår som om det verkligen gick till som det påstods, och kommer troligen aldrig att få reda på vad som egentligen hände.
Ryssland säger att man inte gjorde några flyginsatser vid den platsen och tidpunkten, och de säger att syriskt flyg inte kan agera i mörker.
Rysslands talesperson säger att man har radarinformation som visar en drönare som agerar i området vid tidpunkten för händelsen, och att den ska ha kommit från Nato-basen i Turkiet.
Tydligen syns inga kratermärken vid lastbilarna, som det borde finnas om det handlat om flyganfall.

Och om man tar ett par steg tillbaka och ser på helhetsbilden. Hur troligt är det att syriska armén eller Ryssland skulle attackera en hjälpkonvoj på det här sättet? Och just nu, när vapenvilan de gjorde försök med just har saboterats av de väpnade grupperna som bröt mot den ca 300 gånger under mindre än en vecka. Och USA för bara ett par dagar sen bombat syriska armén med ca 80 dödade.
Låter mer sannolikt att det är en arrangerad händelse som skapats för att skifta fokus från händelserna förra veckan och rikta skuld-fokus dit väst och deras medier vill ha det.

rt.com – Russia presented all evidence on aid convoy attack, now wants impartial investigation – Lavrov

Moscow has provided all the data it has on the attack on a humanitarian convoy in Aleppo, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a UN Security Council meeting. Lavrov also called for a full and impartial investigation into the incident.
”There was another unacceptable provocation on September 19 – the shelling of a humanitarian convoy near Aleppo,” Lavrov said.
He also noted that at the same time militants had advanced in the 1070 district of Aleppo.
“I am confident that such coincidences require serious analysis and an investigation.”

sputniknews.com – Syrian Jets Unable to Fly at Night, Not Behind Attack on Aid Convoy Near Aleppo

”Our military have already made statements that our aircraft did not operate here. The Syrian aircraft could not have operated [there], because the attack against the convoy was conducted in the night time and the Syrian Air Force does not perform flights in this time, it has no such capabilities. The attack took place after humanitarian cargo had already been offloaded in eastern Aleppo,” Lavrov said as broadcast on the Rossiya-1 television channel.

fort-russ.com – Russia points finger at Al-Nusra White Helmets over UN convoy ”fire”

Konashenkov added that an analysis of the video from the scene of events showed no signs of the column’s shelling, such as craters or typical damage to vehicles. He remarked that all that was demonstrated in the video footage resembles the direct consequence of a cargo fire.
Who started the fire and why “can only be answered as always ‘coincidentally’ by those who turn out in the right time in the right place with video cameras – those representatives of the ‘White Helmets’ organization close to Jebat al-Nusra,” the defense ministry’s official representative concluded.

tass.com – Moscow says attempts to accuse Russia of aid convoy attack are ‘outrageous’

”We are considering, with resentment and indignation, attempts by some foreign curators of rebel units and terrorists in Syria to put the blame for the incident on the Russian and Syrian Aerospace Forces who allegedly bombarded a relief convoy,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
”Such attempts, which are unconfirmed by any facts, are designed, among other things, to distract attention from a strange ‘error’ made by pilots of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition on September 17 when its planes bombed the Syrian government troops positions near Deir ez-Zor,” the Russian Foreign Ministry stressed.
The diplomats stressed once again that no airstrikes on a humanitarian convoy near Syria’s Aleppo were delivered by either Russian of Syrian warplanes:
”We are telling it with all responsibility: no airstrikes on the United Nations humanitarian convoy in Aleppo’s southwestern neighborhoods were delivered by either Russian or Syrian warplanes.”

Utredning på A Closer Look on SyriaAttack on Red Crescent convoy in Urm al-Kubra

libyancivilwar.blogspot.se – How we ”Know” Russia or Syria Bombed the Aleppo Aid Convoy

presstv.ir – Syria truces must not allow terrorists to regroup: Russia

In a relevant development on Wednesday, Major-General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said that a US Predator drone was in the area where the aid convoy was hit.
The drone had taken off from the Incirlik air base in Turkey, arrived in the area a few minutes before the convoy caught fire, and left about 30 minutes later, Konashenkov said in a statement.
Such drones are armed with air-to-ground missiles, he said, adding, ”Only the drone’s owners know what it was doing there at the necessary moment and what tasks it was carrying out.”

Felicity Arbuthnot – Syria: Attack on Aid Convoy Kills Twenty, Destroys Aid, And Obliterates US War Crimes in Support of ISIS-Daesh Terror Group?

Från FN idag –
Lavrov, Kerry clash on Aleppo aid convoy attack at UN Security Council meeting on Syria (FULL)

Vanessa Beeley – Journey To Aleppo: Exposing The Truth Buried Under NATO Propaganda

The Syrian people are suffering under the ‘moderate rebels’ and ‘opposition forces’ backed by the US, NATO member states and their allies in the Gulf states and Israel. Yet their suffering is largely ignored in the mainstream media unless it furthers the agenda dictated by the State Department.

Thierry Meyssan – The pretence of peace

While the cease-fire in Syria, drawn up by the US Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart, seemed to be holding – apart from the Israëli violations on the first day – the Pentagon attacked the Syrian Arab Army for the second time. Washington claimed it was a mistake, but the reaction of the US ambassador to the UNO, on the contrary, made it seem more like the execution of a plan. What game is Washington playing?
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